"Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God"
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Underwater Atomic Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll
Challenger Disaster
Hindenburg Disaster
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse
Hydrogen Bomb Test
If 60 MINUTES is Right & PIZZAGATE is 'Fake News'... EXPLAIN THIS!
Anonymous - This will Change Everything You Know... (2018-2019)
3 Months ago: Volcanic Ring of Fire Erupts-Ocean Dramatically Recedes-Climate Chaos Escalates
STRANGE Things Happening In Ecuador..
Friday, January 5, 2018
Spiritual Gyration - WORSHIP & PRAISE SONGS
Introduction to the Online Prophetic School - Prophet Russ Walden
Prophetic “Super Blue Blood Moon 1866 Events Compared Today”
Message by Rand K. Walden - Contend for the Faith
Message by Rand K. Walden - Beholding As In a Glass
Message by Rand K. Walden - All You Need Is Jesus
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Fire In The Sky 1993 - full movie
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Who built the Pyramids? The Ancient Empire! Global Communication?
BREAKING “Monster Asteroid YD7 To Skim Earth Today” NASA Just Spotted It”
2018's First Super (Blood) moon was on the first day of January. The Super (Blue Blood) Moon will appear on the last day of January.
Three Rocket Launches. Two on the same day and Russia's launch three days later.
America Space X rocket launch (Dec. 23)
Russian Zenit-2SB Rocket Launch (Dec. 26)
Japanese H-IIA Rocket Launch (Dec. 23)
China Moves Massive Amount of Troops to North Korean Border
Fire in the Sky - Trailer
Steve Pierce: Witness to the Travis Walton alien abduction incident
Alien Abductee Travis Walton Describes Inside UFO
US State Department press briefing January 2, 2018 US State Department briefing with Heather Nauer
White House Press Briefing January 2, 2018 Press Briefing with Sarah Sanders
Nikki Haley remarks at UN on North Korea. January 2, 2018. New York.
What Happens at This Secret Base Will Blow Your Mind!
I Believe In Jesus Christ (Terry Novay)
Prayers for Terry...
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Flash News: UFO With Aliens Takes Off From Field?
Monday, January 1, 2018
The House of Jesus Documentary 2017
First "Christian Church" in Jerusalem will shock you! (R$E)
HAZARDOUS UFO ALIEN SIGHTING!!! 26th December 2017!!!
10 Filmed Cases Of Alien UFO Landings With Alive Extraterrestrials Captured On Camera
Renowned Hollywood Director Ridley Scott Defends Trump’s Tax Bill with a Dose of Common Sense
BREAKING: 7 Mysterious Shipping Containers Being Tracked By SERT, QAnon Hints and Julian Assange
Tiny celebrating Jesus Christ, Jesus march Portland Oregon. 2017
Sunday, December 31, 2017
The Newscast You Weren't Supposed To See
BREAKING: President Donald Trump END of the YEAR Address to the Nation
Tonight's the Night, Pretty Mama
Trash Gumbo
Pray Like Mary Prayed
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Ira Milligan's Thursday Prayer Session for the Nation 10/11/18
He's My Friend
This song was written by Rand Walden and sung by Rand and Bettie L Walden
Is Justin Bieber Trapped In A Cult? Are the Ministers of Hillsong False Prophets?