Wednesday, November 15, 2017

What do Jews in Israel think about Jesus Christ the Messiah and God in the Flesh - YAHWEH

There are more and more Christians who are leaning toward Christian Judaism. This is where Christians feel the need to blend their Christian faith with that of the Jewish faith to the point they pray under a Jewish prayer shawl or they keep the Jewish Holy days. But the church in Paul’s view transcended ethnicity (neither Jew nor Gentile), gender (neither male nor female) and social boundaries (neither slave nor free). That being said, don't get your feelings hurt with the things these Jewish folks have to say.
Published on Oct 7, 2016

The Bible never records Jesus saying the precise words, “I am God.” That does not mean, however, that He did not proclaim that He is God. Take for example Jesus’ words in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.” We need only to look at the Jews’ reaction to His statement to know He was

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