Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Deception In The Church (2017) FULL CHRISTIAN MOVIE [A film by Collin Retkowski and One Reality]

Deception In The Church is a movie/short film made by Collin Retkowski 
and One Reality Ministries.

Many false gospels are being preached. How do you know that you have the right one? In this film, we take a look at what the Bible says that we must do in order to be saved. For more videos on this subject, check out our YouTube channel. 
(One Reality)

1 comment:

  1. When compared to the normal “Get-Saved” methods promoted by many so-called Christian churches today, and the Mega Graham Religious organization types, Collin Retkowski is on the right track, but isn’t there yet. What is completely omitted by him, is the fact that the entire NT Greek Bible was not written until 30 + years following the execution of Yahshua (aka Jesus). The Gospel called John was not written until early in the Second Century (a false Gospel full of private opinions). For that reason everything in the NT is only hearsay, none of it is claimed to be inspired, or written by a true first hand witness, except the letter of James (Jacob) one of the brothers of Yahshua to the dispersed tribes.
    After 30+ years, (for sure not after 100+ years) memories cannot be reliable. Quotes attributed to Yahshua may not be remembered correctly at all. Much written in the Greek Bible are opinions from the writings of the Pharisee Paul/Saul, a member of a religious group not liked, but condemned by the Prophet Yahshua, and - Paul/Saul never even met Yahshua. Yahshua’s message (according to the unknown writers of the Gospels) was to announce the “Kingdom of Heaven/of God” that it had come, and was available then to believers.
    It is true that Collin Retkowski did quote passages from the Hebrew Bible, but not enough in my opinion. After all, Yahshua only used the Hebrew Bible when he taught his followers. Shouldn’t we do the same if we really desire to find the truth?


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