Tuesday, October 9, 2018


(More on the Subject) 


My endeavor in life is to pursue God and His kingdom before all else. Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness".

That doesn't make me perfect nor does it mean that I will accomplish this daily goal but, at least, I know it is God's will.

And with all the strength that is in me, the things of God will always take "first place" in my life. And I am promised, if I will put Him first, all things, the nations of the world seek after, "shall be" added to my life as well. Yes, God knows what we have need of and He knows we need some things. Things are a blessing from God.

I am talking to the men here but, women, this also applies to you.

Men go after a lot of things for a lot of different reasons but the biggest thing a man goes after is a woman. And as of late, this is causing men a lot of problems. Remember Bret Cavanaugh? But Proverbs 31 tells us, a woman who loves and serves God has a value far above rubies. A godly woman should be a blessing of God that overtakes a man who is totally sold out to Him. For you see, Adam was asleep when God created Eve. He didn't pursue her because she wasn't even created yet. (I am speaking in the area of personal promise.) And if you pursue someone you think is perfect for you, more than likely, you are going to be disappointed. And the same goes for you, women.

Colossians 3:2 tells us, "set your affections on things above". We need to rest in faith that God has someone just for you and let Him put you to sleep in that area of your life. If you can't do that, the Apostle Paul said, it is better to marry than to burn (with lust).

Men, the pursuit of women is a form of idolatry and it is not God's way. He is a jealous God and He will have no other gods before Him (Exodus 20:3).

Men, you should not worship a woman nor should you put her on a pedestal.

Neither should you put her down or make her to walk ten paces behind you. A woman's place is right along side of her man. The woman is to be her man's equal, a helpmate, not arm candy.

Matthew 6:20 tells us to "store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal". And then it says, "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also".

Men, if you have a woman who loves God and puts Him first, love her, praise God for her and commit her to your Heavenly Father every day. But if you stow her away in your heart as some personal prize or possession, you can expect the worst to come your way for she is not supposed to be the treasure of your heart, Christ is.

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